Transcript for: Assunta Dotto compares life in Italy to Canada

Assunta Dotto

In Italy we had nothing.

[on camera]

Things were bad there for everybody. We had little and we even lost that little,

I was 8 months old when he left in 1923 to come back to Canada.

I was 16 years old when I saw my father again.

My father used to go down to the mercantile and order groceries.

My mother saw the delivery boy coming and we couldn't talk English, and my mother says, you'd better go down there and see that everything is there.

[on camera]

And I found a case of apples and 4 pounds of butter. I mean, butter was unheard of. In Italy we used to take the milk to the dairy to get the cheese. Anyway, I came upstairs and said, mom, we're so rich. I said, I found a case of apples and 4 pounds of butter.


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